Get Started by Completing the Free Screening Quiz

What describes you?

Please select all that apply.

Difficulties with reading and writing

Difficulties with abstract thoughts

Difficulties with remebering things

Difficulties with communicating and learning patterns

Difficulties with language

Difficulties with attention and detail

Difficulties with identifying words

Difficulties with building your memory

Difficulties with impulses and reading body language

Difficulties with recognising objects

Difficulties with calculations

Have you (or your child) received a diagnosis - check all that apply?

Enter your details below.

Thank you for completing our quiz. To help you better understand your results, we offer a free phone consultation. You'll also receive the 'Beginner's Guide to the Arrowsmith Program at Neufocus. Enter your details below to receive your consultation and guide.

we heart the ndis
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Research studies and reports

See a complete list of research studies and reports by various sources, including the Arrowsmith™ program.

Research _ Arrowsmith Program

TEDx Talk

Check out Barbara’s TEDx talk where she tells her story.


Arrowsmith Studies

Read more about the science behind the Arrowsmith Program.


60 Minutes

Watch this 60 Minutes episode about New Hope.