Adult with Dyslexia? Ready to unlock better memory, focus, reading, and writing skills? Try our dyslexia treatment program.

Regardless of your age, dyslexia is a lifelong battle. Depending on the severity, it can affect your employability, relationships, social interactions, and quality of life. If you’ve reached a point where you want to work on finding dyslexia treatment programs, you’ve come to the right place. With over 30 years of proven tutoring and dyslexia treatments, NeuFocus is confident you’ll see results within 90 days.

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Are you sick of reading words backwards and stuttering in social conversations?

Do you remember that time you read aloud in front of people but you stumbled and stuttered on your words? Or at work, when you were filling in a form and noticed your collegues completed it much faster than you? Awkward conversations and difficulty comprehending paperwork can feel like a normal way of life for you. But these are just common things associated with dyslexia. Things you can change. Our program specifically overcomes and improves your dyslexia by rewiring your neural pathways. Best part? It’s been proven to help others permanently − even 30 years after students completed the Arrowsmith™️ program.

neufocus dyslexia program for adults
dyslexia treatment program for adults

Do you feel left behind after barely finishing paperwork that others find easy?

Did you know that people with learning difficulties suffer higher rates of anxiety? And those with dyslexia often get triggered with anxiety because they struggle with simple paperwork that others find easy. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, you’re not alone. About 1 in 10 people have dyslexia. But they’re often undiagnosed. Some lead unfulfilling lives with meaningless jobs and poor relationships because they think they’re not intelligent. Putting themselves in a category that limits their potential. But what if you could flip a switch to rewire your brain, permanently improving your dyslexia?

Join the many of adults and parents who invest In NeuFocus every year knowing that we have proven permanent results.

Jan C
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I’m so glad I found you. The rehab after my stroke left me unable to do much. Now I can think clearly and get on with my life on my own terms.
Kelly G
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Mike and I cannot thank you enough for all the time, patience and constant encouragement. Your learning environment is inspirational. Mike has only felt love and support from both you and your staff during this challenging journey. We will be forever grateful.
Jane L
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You have changed my son’s life. He was never able to hold down a job. He’s now got one and has had it for 3 years. He’s even thinking of going back to uni for another try. We are sure he will be successful this time. Thank you so much.
Christine S
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My daughter now has a choice of courses she can enrol in at uni. Gone are the days when we thought she would never be accepted for anything.
Trillion C
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I’d like to thank you and Rachael for giving Ewan a supportive environment. While on the way to school, he was laughing and chatty in the car. And upon arriving at school, he got out of the car on his own and walked to the office to collect the late pass (all on his own without me). Thank you so much.
Jess Z
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I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping Angus see the significance of the Arrowsmith Program for his future learning, for encouraging him so beautifully and for your wonderful positivity. As a result of this he feels emboldened to take on the program full time. So thank you, so very much.
Clare H
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Thank you for all of your hard work and patience this year. As you know, Nick has never read very much but after 3 months with you, he was so engrossed in his book that he walked into a pole in the playground after school!
Jessica R
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Lachie just came top of the class in a maths test. He’s never passed one before so we are ecstatic.
Vicky L
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My daughter went from the 17th percentile to the 77th percentile in her year 4 PAT test. Thank you.
Carly V
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My son won the most improved reader in year 3 out of 45 students.

Australia’s top dyslexia centre that has PROVEN to work for 1000s of people over 30 years

With most of our students seeing results in as little as 90 days, this program is designed to rewire your brain, giving you the mental stimulation to overcome your dyslexia.

dyslexia tutor for adults

Powerful mind exercises that practically force the brain to help you read and write without stumbling.

The brain is more complex than we think. It’s a self-repairing, self-learning organ that can be rewired and strengthened through the use of certain mental exercises. These simple mind exercises will help you read and write with less effort and greater speed, accuracy, creativity, and understanding. What could that do for you and your future? Try NeuFocus’ dyslexia support and learning centre now.

Enhance your reading speed and capacity to retain information better.

Write better and articulate yourself by grasping onto the words you need faster.

Enjoy social settings with confidence by improving your interpersonal understanding. 

Prepare your brain to work more efficiently, improving focus, memory, and word recall.

Listen to stories about other people who overcame their learning disabilities.

If you’re having trouble reading, spelling, writing or remembering things, you’re not alone. There are millions of people who are dealing with the same issues that you are. And if they were able to improve their memory to read, spell and write efficiently, then so can you! It just takes a simple test to see where you’re at, but in the meantime, listen to what others had to say about this life-changing program.

dyslexia adults program

Questions we get asked about our dyslexia treatment program.

We help adults with dyslexia by resetting the neural pathways that make it difficult for them to learn. We will give them proven exercises that improve their ability to remember, understand, read and write.

Dyslexia is a learning impairment that usually shows up as a difficulty with reading and spelling skills. It typically starts as a child but can also become evident in adults as the work gets harder.

The Arrowsmith Program defines dyslexia as a weakness in one or more of the underlying brain functions that we need to learn to read. The problem might be caused by a difficulty remembering visual information such as letter shapes, a difficulty remembering words and what they mean, a difficulty blending sounds together to make words, difficulty understanding what is read, difficulty remembering what has been read and difficulty controlling eye movements so they read the letters in the right order. If any of these brain functions aren’t strong enough to do the work required of them the person will experience difficulty with reading, writing or spelling.

This is why all people with dyslexia appear to be different. It’s because they have different degrees and combinations of difficulty with the functions required to be literate and numerate.

By permanently unlocking new learning pathways for you or your child, this Arrowsmith™ program is priceless. The lifetime cost and emotional distress of NOT doing the program far outweighs the small investment we ask for.

There are three types of investments you’ll need to consider to participate in this program:

  • $1600 for a one-off assessment. This is a data-rich analysis that is required to participate in this program. The license fee is reused for the first exercise you do. As the year progresses, the license fee becomes dramatically cheaper and so does the assessment.
  • $495 ongoing monthly investment. This is general enrolment to continue participating in the program. This includes 3-hours of weekly classes and all access to exercises from home (online) or onsite if this is preferred.

Students usually complete it over two sessions.

At first we’ll get you (or your child) to complete a test. It’s quite extensive, but it’s a one-off. So we see students take a few hours to complete it over 1-2 sessions. After that, you send it off to Arrowsmith™️ for assessment. And in a few days, we get the results and let know exactly how we can help.

Claim your FREE no-obligation 30-minute mind assessment + action plan

Don’t waste your life regretting what it would have been like if you’d done this program. Take our quick and painless 30-minute test that will be the start of your journey to transforming your mind.

Simply click the button below to fill in your details and get a detailed report. Send us the results, include your phone number and we’ll get back to you to chat about how we can individualise a program just for YOU.

Go ahead and join the hundreds of dyslexic Australians that are already on their path to a better life. You’re just a few clicks away…

Got more questions? We're here to help.

Our teachers will be happy to answer any questions you have about our programs. You can reach out to us by phone, or filling in our web form, and we’ll get back to you soon!